Thanks to God I had a very nice slept during the night, though the weather was so cold, I just wore jogging pants, jacket and socks to keep me warm and comfortable. It was good to stay in bed because of the weather but I have to prepare for the first session of our retreat. I ate first my breakfast and after I took a bath to feel fresh during the session. Before we started, we heard murmurs and even me that the priest who will facilitate us was a Jesuit Priest and we already experienced how a Jesuit Priest handled a retreat as we have from our previous one. As soon as we were seated to the hall, a man arrived. He was a simple, in his 50’s already as he told us. He did not even introduced himself to us and just begin with a reading from the Gospel of Luke 10: 38-42. We all behaved of course because we all expect that he was that strict, but he was not, all our expectations were the opposite of who he was and what we expect from him..
In every passage and topic that he gave, he related a personal experienced or an experienced of other people and we all laughed with it. By the way, his name was Fr. Rex Mananzan SJ., a Canon Law Lawyer. I really learned a lot from him especially the divine law and human law, the manifestation of God’s love through our crosses in life, the concept of sins – how to obtained forgiveness of our sins from God and importance of receiving communion in the mass and many other views he shared to us during the session. I could say that the 3-day was not enough to really know God to the fullest and know the changes in the institutional law of the church which was based on the people who make the law which is opposite to the divine law and purpose of God. I was so grateful for Fr. Rex for imparting to us his knowledge to us and I have a renewed life now through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God. Thank you very much.
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