Getting ahead in school is not just excelling mentally but socially, physically and spiritually as well. Achieving high grades will be as easy as memorizing your ABC when you live a balanced life.
A - attend class everyday.
B - begin your day with God. Pray and read the Bible for your spiritual and intellectual growth.
C - come to class early.
D - divide long term assignments/projects into small tasks that you can work on a daily basis.
E - engage in profitable or intellectually enhancing hobbies. Join sports activities.
F - focus on what you are doing at the moment for maximum efficiency.
G - go out and make friends.
H - help classmate who is lagging behind.
I - invite the Lord to be your Guide, Partner and Friend and you'll always be in the right track.
J - jot down notes.
K - keep track of time.
L - laugh often, love life, and live one day at a time.
M - make a daily schedule. List the things that you need to do for the day to avoid forgetting
N - never ever skip breakfast.
O - offer your heart, soul and mind to God.
P - participate in discussions.
Q - quit minding other people's business.
R - research. Don't just settle with the things that you learn inside the classroom.
S - stay fit. Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
T - take time alone to reflect and count your blessings.
U - use your talent, knowledge and skills for the glory of God.
V - vent your feelings and opinions only after spending careful thought about them.
W - wait, if you can, until you graduate in college before having sweetheart.
X - xerox or photocopy materials that you missed and study them.
Y - yearn to learn something new each day.
Z - zoom in on worthwhile opportunities that come your way. A missed opportunity is lost forever.
courtesy: kathleen bienes
thank you very much for the comment. i will be following your site also.
Thanks for giving credit to the article I wrote. ;)
God bless!
This article has made it on our library's bulletin board. <3 Thank you for posting this and Thank You Kathleen Bienes for writing it!
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