Hello guys! I'm back again, have you wonder why my blog is not updated? It's just that I have my 2-months leave and reported only last November 14. So, to start with this new come back I want to share to you the many ways to say "hello".
1. Japanese - "konnichiwa" (koe-nee-chee-wha)
2. Spanish - "hola" (OH-la)
3. Mandarin Chinese - "ni hao" (nee-how)
4. Hebrew - "shalom" (sha-LOHM)
5. France - "bonjour" (bohn-JOOR)
6. Italy - "ciao" (chow)
7. Swahili - "jambo" (JAHM-boh)
8. Arabic - "marhaba" (MAR-hah-bah)
9. Russians - "privet" (preev-YEHT)
10. Hindi - "namaste" (nah-mah-STAY)
Habits That Affect Our Health
*Normally when we are working in an office, we usually go to a rush
especially in the morning in which we are doing certain habits that could
put our hea...
12 years ago
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