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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Facts About Radiation Poisoning

The devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan has led to a nuclear crisis not only in Japan but to nearby countries as well. Japanese authorities are having difficult time in keeping several reactors cool enough to prevent meltdown and an uncontrolled release of radiation. But they are assuring the public that the radiation leak is unlikely. But we cannot take the possibility of any radiation leak that will affect the health of the people. That is why it is important to know some facts when catastrophes like this will happen.
What happens if a person is exposed to high level of radiation?
Exposure to high level of radiation can cause poisoning, which can result in significant damage to human body tissues, premature aging and possibly death. Exposure to lower levels for a prolonged period of time can increase the risk of poor health.
What are the symptoms of radiation poisoning?
Symptoms of radiation poisoning are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea and can begin minutes to days after exposure. The duration of the symptoms ranges from minutes to week. Additional symptoms like loss of appetite, fatigue, fever and possibly seizures and coma can be detected if the person is affected by the radiation. This stage may last a few hours or several months. Radiation poisoning can also cause skin damage.
What level of radiation is dangerous?
Radiation is measured in Sieverts and the devastation of the radiation poisoning depends on the amount of Sieverts.
Can radiation poisoning be treated?
In some ways it says yes, but in other ways no. Potassium iodide can block radioactive iodine from being taken into the thyroid gland, thus protecting it from injury. However, it can’t protect the other parts of the body, or reverse damaged to the thyroid once it has occurred.

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